|the electronic knights
|history crapbox issue -4
|february - january 2020
@arachnid cycle<ffp/insane
@sax offender<planet jazz
|right button for info!
|If you want a packdisk
|subscription on physical
|disk: Just send an email
|to bifat at neoscientists
|dot org. Include your
|handle/group. It's free!
bifat's postal address:
<Timm s. Mueller
<Jungstr. 2
<10247 Berlin
slash's postal address:
<johan elm
<tvillinggatan 4a
<431 43 molndal
|you can also catch
|slash/TEK on interwebs
|or bifat per e-mail
|bifat at neoscientists.org
|thanks to our donor:
|* zeg *
|for donating 2000 disks!
** crap box ** history ** the electronic knights *historical* pack series issue -4 * compiled by bifat * code bifat * music ok3anos * gfx nero * font plasma assembly date: june 9th 2021 too our deepest regret: here is the electronic knights * historical * pack disk crap box issue -4 ...! unfortunately we had to include the unfixed, party version of february by insane, because skurk didn't find the time to fix it... so expect this production to fail on your OCS amiga 500 with kickstart 1.x ... if he finds the time later, we may still update this issue, as I like this production very much, and it would be even more fun watching on an original Amiga 500. lest we forget: the other big productions from GERP in this issue - sax offender by the incredible planet jazz and arachnid cycle by the incomparable five finger punch - are absolutely top notch, dope material! so have fun